
Rabbi's Corner

Big News!

In case you missed it, there's big news in the world of communications: the new waterproof iPhone 7 is here. To be expected, the tech-faithful are camping out on Fifth Avenue praying to get the $160 wireless earbuds (there is no option to plug in traditional headphones) before they sell out.

As for me, I've been test driving my trusted Shofar for the High Holidays. Doesn't need recharging, volume is consistently perfect, and it even comes complete with a timeless curved design.

I invite you to hear the Shofar at our Signature High Holiday Experience at Lexicon on 54th Street. The atmosphere is warm and upscale, the prayers and songs are beautiful, the company is great and Raizy and I look forward to greeting you.

To get the neighborhood into the High Holidays spirit, we've teamed up with Councilmember Ben Kallos to once again bring you New Year in New York: A High Holidays Concert and Fair on Sutton Place. Join us nextSunday, September 25 at the East 57th Street cul-de-sac from 4:00-6:00pm.Local bakeries will be giving out honey cake samples, there will be live music and fun for all ages.

As we come into the home stretch before a New Year, may all our prayers and communications be heard on high and answered favorably for good!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shmuel Metzger

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