At your Passover Seder next week, I hope you'll be enjoying the company of people you love*, drinking four cups of wine and hopefully hearing someone little and cute asking the famous Four Questions.
In that spirit, allow me to pose four questions of my own:
1- How can we ensure that every Jewish individual and family finds a point of entry into the Jewish community and gains access to our timeless heritage?
2- Is it possible to educate every child in our community to grow up as a productive Mentsch and experience the warmth of Yiddishkeit?
3- Is there a lonely senior, forgotten in an apartment, who could use a friendly smile and hot food?
4- How can we pass on the treasure of Jewish tradition which we have been given, and ensure a vibrant and educated new generation of Jewish leaders?
At Chabad at Beekman-Sutton, from our center in Sutton Place, we address these questions daily-- not with rhetoric but with nonstop action! With our renowned preschool, Adult Education Institute, weekly Torah classes, open-door Synagogue, public holiday celebrations for the entire community, chicken soup delivery for seniors, and so much more, we are opening doors to meaningful Jewish experiences for many thousands each year.
All of this is made possible by local support. We receive no funding from any central office; our entire operating budget is raised and spent here in our community. This Passover, as we bring the warmth of the holiday to our community, I encourage you to support our Passover Campaign, to give generously by clicking here and in that merit, may G-d bless you and those you love with health and success in all you do.
As you sit down to the Seder this Passover, please know how much we appreciate your partnering with us to answer these questions and build a brighter future.
Yours sincerely,
Shmuel Metzger- Rabbi